Micro-Electric Vehicle Competition
Yazaki North America, Inc.
6801 Haggerty Road, Canton, MI 48187

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are a central focus of SAE Detroit Sections’ K-12 programs. This competition provides an opportunity for high school students to build a mini-vehicle and compete with other schools for cash awards.

Teachers prepare for this competition as an after-school activity or part of a classroom curriculum.

There are four award categories in the competition:

  • Performance - Multi-heat, double elimination head-to-head race
  • Design - Written paper and an oral presentation
  • Overall Winning School - Accumulated total points per school for Performance and Design events  
  • Rookie - First time attending schools with the highest number of points in Performance and Design events 

2024 Winners
Overall Winning School

1st Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
2nd Place - Clinton High School
3rd Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northwest

Performance (Top Three Teams)
Capacitor Class

1st Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
2nd Place - Clinton High School
3rd Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
Non-Capacitor Class
1st Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
2nd Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
3rd Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast

Design (Top Three Teams)
1st Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
2nd Place - Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast
3rd Place - Clinton High School

For more information, email Stephanie Alexander or call (248) 324-4445 ext. 3.

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