High School Poster Competition

High School students in the Metropolitan Detroit area were invited to participate in the annual High School Poster Competition to win a cash award! Students were challenged to be creative by designing a poster that incorporated the SAE Detroit Section logo and the theme “Mobility Moving Forward” into their posters.

Judging is based on originality, artistic excellence, and aesthetic effect. The competition was open to all full-time high school students within the Metropolitan Detroit area, as well as the Ann Arbor, Jackson, and Toledo school districts.

The first ten schools that submitted a poster received $100 to be used to cover incurred expenses from the competition.

2024 Winners

1st Place 
1st Place Winner Gavin Cavell 24 HS Poster Winner
Gavin Cavell
Royal Oak High School

2nd Place
2nd place winner Danica Schmidt 2024 HS Poster winner
Danica Schmitt
Royal Oak High School

3rd Place

 Third Place _ 24 HS Poster Winner
Charlie McIlvaine
Northville High School

For more information, email Stephanie Alexander or call (248) 324-4445 ext. 3.

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